Join the Evergreen Computer Science Club when they host a year-end showcase on robots on Tuesday, May 7 from 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. in MS 114. It will include AI CEO Greg Tanaka and Dinesh Maheshwari, CTO and Chief Technology Advisor at Groq.

What to expect:
  1. Groups from within the club will be presenting and showcasing the robots that they've built (which are super cool).
  2. We will be recapping what the club has done over the past year. 
  3. We will introduce the new officers.
  4. We will open up registration for members to join the club for the 2024-2025 school-year. 
  5. We will be having a guest speaker, AI startup founder and CEO Greg Tanaka. 
More about Greg Tanaka
  • -(Series A) AI startup founder and CEO, raised $10 Million from the likes of Google and a16z. 
  • Palo Alto City Council member since 2017.
  • Graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Business Administration and Management. Graduated from CalTech with a degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • -Very heavily involved in AI and ML. 
Dinesh Maheshwari, CTO and Chief Technology Advisor at Groq, an AI startup valued at almost $400 million, will be presenting on the topic of “Learning in the Age of Machine Learning” to our EVC Computer Science Club.
We would like to invite all interested students and faculty to attend. Food and drinks will also be provided. If there's any more information, I'll be sure to convey it. 
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