Impact Your Future at Evergreen Valley College
Named a 2021 Best College for an Associate Degree, and with alumni earning more money than any other community college graduate in California according to Newsweek and PayScale, you can join the EVC community and get your career on the fast track or further your education.
Make connections that count at EVC and let us have an #evcimpact on your future.

Quick Facts
EVC is ranked as the 9th Best Community College in Northern California in 2021 (Best Value School)
Average Mid-Career salary for EVC graduates (Pay Scale) - #2 ranked in California
Average Early-Career Salary for EVC graduates (Pay Scale) - #2 ranked in California
4th Most Diverse Faculty in the Country (Chronicle of Higher Education)
Top 20
A Top 20 Best Community College in the US (WalletHub)
63% of all Associate Degrees Awarded at EVC are Associate Degree for Transfer Awards
Campus Life
Learn, Grow, Network + Succeed
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