
This program at Evergreen Valley College provides students with a solid background in the field of Administration of Justice by offering a variety of courses designed to prepare students for careers within the criminal justice system. The program combines the scientific study of law enforcement, the court system and corrections, along with a focus on the administration of these systems. This program helps you understand the causes and effects of crime and the way in which society responds. 

This program is designed to prepare students to obtain a two-year degree with the knowledge and skills needed to enter a career upon graduation. It also academically prepares students who wish to continue their degree at a four-year institution. 

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Resources To Support + Strengthen Your Studies

Associate Degrees + Degrees for Transfer


Sean Stewart

Dean, Athletics Director

MS-246A (MS3 Bldg)

Bianca M. Lopez

Sr. Division Administrative Asst.

MS-246 (MS3 Bldg)