
Our modern world is run by computers — they make our work and our play easier, more efficient and productive, and more fun.  They've revolutionized how we function as a society and how we interact as people. Computer Science provides the framework for high-tech innovation and the underlying superstructure that supports our modern lifestyle.  

It's no wonder then that Computer Science is one of the most popular and lucrative career choices. If you like problem solving, math, and science, or just see the future differently and want to make your own contribution a Computer Science major may be an ideal way to get started.

  • Computing jobs are invariably ranked among the highest paid and have the highest job satisfaction. 
  • Whether you prefer to work in a team environment or on your own free to let your imagination explore its own boundaries, working with computers provides the opportunity for both.

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Computer Science

Quick Facts


The average salary for the most in-demand positions for computer science majors is roughly $89,000


Employment opportunities for computer scientists increased 19% through 2020

Associate Degrees + Degrees for Transfer

Tools & Resources

Resources To Support + Strengthen Your Studies


Antoinette Herrera

Dean, Math, Science and Engineering

MS3 Building - SA 212​​

Vera Nazarov

Sr. Division Ad​ministrative Assistant

MS3 Building - SA 212​​