Income Adjustments 

The income information provided on the FAFSA is for a previous calendar year (e.g., 2021 income for the 2023-24 FAFSA).  What if your family’s income changes because of a loss of employment, an accident or an illness?  Or, there may be a loss of benefits such as child support, a divorce or a disability that changes the family’s ability to pay for college.  

If your family’s financial circumstances has or will change for the coming year, you may request a Family Contribution Appeal.  

To request a Family Contribution Appeal: 
After you have filed your FAFSA and submit all requested documentation, you can request a Family Contribution Appeal. The Financial Aid staff will use documented income changes to determine eligibility. Income can be reduced due to unusual medical expenses, a bankruptcy, adoption, divorce, etc., you may request a Family Contribution Appeal.

Dependency Override

Federal Guidelines on Schools Overriding Dependency: 
Federal guidelines allow schools to exercise “professional judgment” in overriding a student’s dependency status. The student would need to verify “unusual’ family circumstances before a school can change a dependent student’s status to that of independent.  

To request a Dependency Appeal: 
To request a dependency status review by the Financial Aid Office, you must submit a Dependency Appeal. Be sure to provide documentation.