Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
The purpose of the Student Learning Outcome Assessment Committee (SLOAC) is to oversee and guide the college process for writing/incorporating SLOs and assessment across the curriculum and programs. The committee shapes the college's approach to assessment by providing a common assessment language through SLO Assessment Plans and the standardized assessment reporting templates. The committee strives to support a campus culture of assessment by encouraging assessment dialogue and sharing best practices to improve student learning and integrate results into college planning.
Specifically, this committee will:
- Provide guidance in identifying appropriate assessment measures for SLOs
- Provide structure for mapping of outcomes (course, program, institution) and documentation of assessment results
- Facilitate staff development on SLO assessment and reporting
- Promote campus assessment dialogue through division/departments and campus activities
- Provide campus-wide progress reports on assessment activities
Recommendations Forwarded to
- Academic Senate
Academic Senate supports SLOAC work by:- Championing SLO related initiatives/activities- reporting back to divisions, and linking assessment work to improvement
- Actively contributing to the culture of assessment by participating in and sharing assessment results, while helping to lead campus efforts
- Supporting Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO) assessment activities by participating in assessments, and adopting standardized rubrics
- Administration: - 2- Appointed by the College President (one from instruction and one from Student Affairs)
- Associated Students: – 2
- Classified: - 3
- Curriculum specialist
- Articulation Specialist
- Student Affairs representative
- Faculty: – 8 (one faculty from each division as determined by the Academic Senate)
- Business & Workforce Development
- Counseling & Matriculation
- Language Arts
- Library and Learning Resources
- Math, Science, & Engineering
- Nursing & Allied Health
- Social Science, Humanities, Arts & P.E.
- At-Large (elected by the Academic Senate)
- Curriculum Chair
- SLO Coordinator- for 2 year term- 40% reassigned time
- Elected by Academic Senate
- All members are elected/appointed for one year, renewable by appropriate constituent group.
- 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month, 10:00am-11:30am
- Members have a one-year term, renewable by appropriate constituent group. The committee may elect to enforce the three consecutive unexcused absences as a term of vacancy but must make reasonable attempts to contact the member prior to announcing the vacancy to the appropriate constituency.
SLO Coordinator
The meeting minutes and agendas will be available in the SLOAC Canvas shell. You can self-enroll to access the PDFs and view Instructional videos.